joi, 29 iulie 2010


this is the story of us.the story of me,of you and everyone we know.and it begins when a rather large object ,shaped as a sphere, an object which is commonly refered to as a star had nothing better to do than to blow it usually happens, the big thing transformed into a lot of small things.well,small being a relativ term.thus trees and cats and honey and rocks and airplanes and flowers and dreams and I where born.and a lot of other stuff too.we found ourselfs trying to figure out this strange place.
and it hasn't easy.we learned about words,about tears, about hope,about nights and smilles.we found we enjoy playing.and we realized that it's easy to forget but easier to remember.

vineri, 9 iulie 2010

stam cu piciorele in kkt si cu capul in nori.vrem sa traim mai mult decat ne lasa lumea, credem ca putem sa-i dam la muie dar nu am avut niciodata vre-o sansa in fata ei.speram.speram atat de mult, speram la atatea cu cat speram mai mult cu atat ne ingropam mai sunt atatea care ne inconjoara, care ne roaga sa le stim ca nu e bine,stim ca treptele duc doar in jos.dar nu ne intereseaza.
acum nu mai e nici o treapta.unde o sa ma duc?